The University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya
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The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Nouakchott was created in 1995, for a triple mission: training and research in the fields of science and technology, as well as the realization of expertise. The FST has about 5291 students, 39.88% of whom are girls, supervised by 198 permanent teachers That is a ratio of one teacher for 26.72 students. It delivers three degrees: Bachelor's degree (Bac + 3), Master's degree (Bac + 5), Doctorate (Bac + 8). The FST is located on a built-up area of 20,832 m2. This includes, administrative, teaching and research premises. Thus it includes: 7 amphitheaters, 30 rooms Courses / TD Licenses, 6 Master classrooms, 80 laboratories of practical and research, A central library equipped with 35 networked computers and a room of conférence.la FST brings together 21 Research Units.