Government Partner
Ministry of Petroleum, Mines and Energy
The Minister of Petroleum, Mines and Energy has the general mission of developing and implementing government policy in the oil, energy and mining sectors.
In this context, it has the following responsibilities in particular:
For Oil:
The definition, management and implementation of the national policy on crude hydrocarbons, in compliance with environmental rules;
The promotion, exploration and management of prospective areas for crude hydrocarbons;
The development and enhancement of crude hydrocarbon resources;
The production, import, export, transport, storage and marketing of crude hydrocarbons.
With regard to Energy:
The definition, management and implementation of the national policy in terms of production, transport, distribution and energy efficiency.
The development and exploitation of new and renewable energy sources;
General policy, development as well as applicable standards and regulations, monitoring and control of crude oil refining, import, export, refining, storage, drumming, transport activities , distribution, and marketing of refined hydrocarbons;
With regard to Mining:
The definition and implementation of mining policy, in compliance with environmental rules;
The development of draft legislative and regulatory texts relating to the monitoring and control of research activities, extraction and transformation of mineral substances;
The promotion of prospecting and geological and mining research;
The establishment of geological maps and the updating of studies relating to the mining sector;
The development and enhancement of mining resources.
The Minister represents the State before regional and international institutions specialized in his fields of competence.